Although we are still under construction, thank you for visiting our website, the home of LagoonSaver™ gardening products! The name LagoonSaver ™ is appropriate as our products are made from aquatic plants and algae that capture fertilizer runoff pollution in Florida waterways. By harvesting and composting these plants, we effectively capture, remove and recycle these harmful excess nutrients before they can reach the Indian River Lagoon.
Since our products are made from aquatic plants harvested from Florida's waterways and nutrient removal systems as part of water cleaning programs, each pound of LagoonSaver™ sold represents captured fertilizer pollution that was prevented from reaching the Indian River Lagoon.
What is better than Earth-friendly gardening products that help protect and restore the most biodiverse lagoon ecosystem in the United States? They are fantastic products that can support the growth of local, organic, healthy food while displacing the use of inorganic fertilizers, a major source of nitrogen and phosphorous pollution in the Lagoon!
So, when you buy a bucket of our potting soil or compost, keep in mind that your purchase helps to
"Save the Indian River Lagoon, one bucket at a time!"™